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Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff


serial port


Main Feature:

1. Produce a rich function waveform, can produce sine waves, duty cycle 1% to 99% square wave, triangle wave and two sawtooth.
2. Dual-channel reverse, and the duty cycle of CNC adjustable TTL output for easy debugging IGBT module.
3. All feature enables digital control, providing communication protocol can connect a PC to control.
4. Amplitude using potentiometers and NC combination, which can achieve full-scale output of CNC's 256 control.
5. External frequency measurement functions has a wide range, from 1Hz to 60MHz.
6. With a one-way ADC converter, convert the DC voltage from 0V to 5V, resolution up to 0.001V (1mV).
7. With a sweep function that can be set to scan the frequency range and scan time.

Signal output function:

Output waveforms: Sine wave, Square wave, Triangle wave, Sawtooth wave
Output amplitude: ≥9Vp-p(signal output ,no load)
Output impedance: 50Ω±10%
DC offset: ±2.5V(no load)
Display: LCD1602
Frequency range:
Normal mode: 0.01Hz~2MHz(UDB1202S), 0.01Hz~5MHz(UDB1205S), 0.01Hz~10MHz(UDB1210S) Ultra-low frequency mode: 0Hz-1kHz
Frequency resolution:
Normal mode:: 0.01Hz(10mHz) Ultra-low frequency mode: 0.001Hz
Frequency stability: ±1×10^-6
Frequency accuracy: ±5×10^-6
Sine wave distortion: ≤0.8% (reference frequency is 1kHz)
Trinagle wave linearity: ≥98% (0.01Hz~10kHz)
Rise and fall time of square wave: ≤100ns
Square wave duty range: 1%~99%

2-Channel TTL output function:

Frequency range:
0.01Hz ~5MHz(UDB1205S)
0.01Hz ~10MHz(UDB1210S)
Two channel output phase: 180 °
Amplitude: >3Vp-p
Fan out coefficient: >20 TTL Load

COUNTER function:

Counter range: 0~4294967295
Frequency measurement range: 1Hz~60MHz
Input voltage range: 0.5Vp-p~20Vp-p

ADC function:

Voltage measuring range: 0-5V
Resolution: 0.001V (1mV)
Accuracy: ± 0.5% + 2 Character

SWEEP function:

Frequency range: fM1~fM2(frequency can be freely set)
Input voltage range: 0.5Vp-p~20Vp-p

Other functions:

Save and load parameter: 10 Location, M0~M9(M0:default load)
Power: DC 5V


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